Motherhood ⬡ Homesteading ⬡ Keeping Bees


A First Bee-Day

Can someone please tell me where in the world a whole year has gone?! I blinked and the next thing I know, there’s this little person standing in front of me and my baby is gone. I still can’t believe we have a one year old in the house. One full year around the sun …


Through Winter Eyes

Look at winter With winter eyes As smoke curls from rooftops To clear cobalt skies. – Douglas Florian I wake to the dark of a new day, stirring between warm bed sheets as the baby monitor beside me crackles to life, little snippets of sound from a waking babe. I reluctantly pull off the down …


A Love Letter to Autumn

Dearest Autumn, To write of my love for you would be nearly impossible, for words cannot capture your beauty and very essence. But I shall try to give it my best attempt. From the moment the sun rises orange among the treetops, you are on my mind. You fill my skies with vivid colours; pinks …


A Humble Harvest

As I walk past the bee hives that sit beside the garden, sun warmed from a September morning, the sweet smell of honey and beeswax fills my nostrils. The smell wafts along on the warm Autumn breeze, tingling my senses and capturing my full attention. Busy bees dart to and from the hive entrances, dancing …


The Odd Uneven Time

“August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” ―Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath I think Sylvia Plath said it best, referring to August as the odd uneven time, when the days of Summer begin to dwindle, the air changes, but we haven’t …


Sun Tea for the Garden : A How to on Comfrey Tea Fertilizer

The first year we planted a garden here on the farm my husband had worked and worked to clear me a patch of land out of the old garden from the previous owners that had become over run. Tilling up the ground several times, he had it sitting waiting for me when I first moved …