Well it sure was an exciting evening at the Burch house the other night when I went to check on the chooks. We have the coop all insulated and I was going out one last time before bed to check on everyone and make sure they were tucked in for the night. I found a handful of eggs under one of our broody hens so I tucked them into my pockets and brought them into the house to be cleaned and put in the fridge.

To my lovely surprise, one of our girls is laying green eggs!

I hadn’t been expecting any coloured eggs at this point, as I didn’t think any of the breeds we had got were supposed to throw colours. So I was definitely some excited. So far we have received four, medium sized olive coloured eggs. We used them up the other morning for eggs Benedict and they were delicious.

We are averaging anywhere from three to five eggs a day now. Keep it up girls! I am one proud chicken momma.